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Colocation Hosting Domain Registration DSL At HiWAAY, you can depend on excellent customer service from your neighbors while you get the Internet services you need, whether you are an individual, a small company or a large corporation. We're large enough to take care of your Internet needs, and small enough to care. Reliable, Fast Internet Service With HiWAAY, you get reliable, fast connections. HiWAAY's high-speed, multi-backbone network gives you a direct route to the core of the Internet for a reliable, redundant connection. Serious businesses depend on HiWAAY for their network operations. Companies as far away as Australia and France, and as nearby as just down the street, use our co-location facilities. By locating their servers in our facilities, they get HiWAAY's high bandwidth, along with UPS and generator backup in case of power failures. And they can take advantage of support from our Network Operations staff. Customer Support HiWAAY's knowledgeable, friendly support staff offers valuable assistance with your Internet-related questions and problems. Solutions That Fit HiWAAY offers a variety of individual and business solutions to fit your needs. Whether it's a single service, such as dial-up or high-speed DSL access, or a complete package that includes web site hosting or a managed server, we have the solution for your home or business. Our Promise HiWAAY has been here since the Internet was first brought into Alabama homes and businesses. Since 1995, HiWAAY has consistently led the way with solid, reliable Internet technology. More importantly, the reason we're still going strong is that we know our customers. Our promise to you: We will provide the best in Internet technology, with a powerful network and fast, reliable connections. We will help our customers understand what they need to know to make an educated buying decision. We will keep our support personnel well trained in both the technical and human areas of service. We will continue to provide "big company" solutions while keeping our personal, "small business" approach to service. Each day, in the midst of ever-changing technology and the fast pace of this business, we keep our sights on the central, critical focus of our business: "The most important thing we have to do today is make sure our customers' Internet needs are met." | |
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